Thursday 1 May 2014

A2 Exam - Planned Final Piece

This was my final piece that was based on found objects. I was given a German Newspaper whilst walking through the centre of the live where I live and found that it would be an interesting concept to explore. After taking many photographs of the newspaper, I found it interesting how many of the texts that were parallel to each other differed in colour and size. The contrast of text and vibrant colours enticed me. Even though I found the newspaper interesting, I thought that it would be more visually exciting if there was another found objects within the image. I then took a photograph of an old, ripped boot and photo-shopped the best areas of the boot into the picture of the newspaper. The area of the boot I chose was purely due to the rips, folds and textures within the boot. I thought that it added more dimension to the image itself. For the image, I used acrylic paint because I thought that it would allow the vibrancy of the colours to be more prominent. 

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